Sara Phalen – October 2019 Guest Speaker
At our next monthly meeting the speaker will be Sara Phalen, the Executive Director Of Women On The Border.

New Meeting Location
The location of the regular monthly meeting of Elgin Township Democrats will change starting with the May 21, 2019 meeting. The new location will be in the Elgin Township Building located at 729 S. McLean Blvd., Elgin, IL 60123. Please park behind the building and use the East entrance to enter the building. The meetings ...

February Meeting
At our Tuesday, February 19, 2019 meeting: Dr. John Perryman, a general pediatrician and co-president of Physicians for a National Health Program in northern Illinois, will speak about the push for single payer health care.

January 2019 Meeting Featured Speaker Art Malm
Art Malm's presentation will provide Elgin Township Democrats with a first look at the elements of this debate that will literally shape the future of Our Fox River.

Blue Wave Thank You
ETD had a great turnout in a holiday week meeting. I would like to congratulate all of our candidates and our precinct people and all who helped make this a great turn out election. Keep it up.

August Guest Speaker Jim May
The Guest Speaker at our August 21, 2018 meeting will be author and storyteller, Jim May.

The Politics of Immigration under Trump: Lessons in Fear and Cruelty
Our special guest speaker for the June 19th 2018 meeting will be Elgin based immigration lawyer Shirley Sadjadi. Her talk is frighteningly titled "The Politics of Immigration under Trump: Lessons in Fear and Cruelty". Please join us for what will certainly be an interesting presentation.

Upcoming Meeting on October 17, 2017
Pot luck as usual at 6:30. We have no speaker scheduled. Instead we will use the 7:00 time slot for signing and notarizing candidate petitions. We will have 3 or 4 notaries present. Please finish walking your precinct and bring in all of the signed petitions that you may have. We will collect them and ...

September Guest Speakers Rescheduled – JB Pritzker & Dr. Bob Daiber
Sorry, we have been informed that both JB Pritzker and Dr. Bob Daiber had to reschedule. At our September 19th meeting, we will have two featured speakers. JB Pritzker: Candidate for GovernorDr. Bob Daiber: Candidate for Governor Please join us on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. 6:30 p.m. Potluck7:30 p.m. Business Highland Avenue Church of the ...

August Guest Speakers – Alex Paterakis & Scott Drury
At our August 15th meeting, we will have two featured speakers. Alex Paterakis: Candidate for GovernorScott Drury: Candidate for Governor Please join us on Tuesday, August 15, 2017. 6:30 p.m. Potluck7:30 p.m. Business Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, IL 60123 Alex Paterakis Learn more about Alex Paterakis Scott Drury Learn more ...

Tio Hardiman – July Guest Speaker
Candidate for Governor, Tio Hardiman, will be one of the featured speakers at our July 18th meeting. Please join us on Tuesday, July 18, 2017. 6:30 p.m. Potluck7:30 p.m. Business Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, IL 60123 Learn more about Tio Hardiman

Anna Moeller – Guest Speaker at July Meeting
State Representative Anna Moeller will one of the featured speaker at our July 18th meeting. Please join us on Tuesday, July 18, 2017. 6:30 p.m. Potluck7:30 p.m. Business Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, IL 60123