Get your voice heard! We live in a wonderful democracy which will only thrive if we all intelligently participate in our government. The resources below should help you register to vote, find your polling place and make wise decisions.
See Who Is On the Democratic Ballot
Check out our Current Candidates page to see who is currently on the Democratic Ballot in Elgin Township.
Kane County Elections Official Website
The official Kane County Elections website has a wealth of useful information on it. https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections Other helpful information can be found on http://elections.illinois.gov/.
Register to Vote – Online or by Mail
Sample Ballots
The news covers the high profile election campaigns, but what about issues closer to home? Local government matters more than you could imagine. Make sure you know about ALL the issues that will be on your ballot by looking at the ballot and doing your research BEFORE you visit your polling place. Kane County generally does a great job of making sure sample ballots are available for all polling places before Early Voting starts. https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Voter-Search.aspx
Find Your Polling Place
Your voter registration card should have the location of your polling place. You can look up your information online to verify the location and polling times. https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Voter-Search.aspx
Early Voting
If you have researched the candidates and issues, you have the option of voting early. You can find out details here: https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Early-Voting.aspx
Wait! What if you live in the City of Elgin, but are in Cook County?
Even though Elgin Township is in Kane County, the City of Elgin is in both Kane and Cook counties. For those of you in Cook County on the far East side of Elgin, you’ll get your voting information here: