Medicare for All Forum

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee at the Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation of McHenry

A short film “Fix it: Healthcare at the Tipping Point” followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session


Wednesday, March 7, 2018  7-9pm


Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation of McHenry
5603 Bull Valley Road, McHenry, IL 60050

RSVP on Facebook

Panel featuring:

 Dr. Peter Orris

A founding member of Physicians for a National Health Plan and professor and chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine for the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System. Dr. Orris has served as an adviser to many labor organizations, corporations, and nonprofit groups.

Dr. John Perryman

A board certified pediatrician living in St. Charles, Ill. and practicing in Roscoe. IL.  With a keen interests in business Dr. Perryman is committed to reaching out to community and political groups, businesses, farmers, and labor organizations.

Ms. Donna Griffin-Lego

With over 20 years of entrepreneurial and corporate experience in management, Ms. Griffin-Lego understands what it takes to run a business. She has also been a licensed in-Person counselor for the Affordable Care Act and will share stories of how Americans have been suffering because of our healthcare crisis.

For more information :

Phone (815)322-2464
Fax (815)322-2739