EVENT: Kane County Democratic Women Annual Fundraiser
DATE: July 16, 2020
TIME: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Kane County Democratic Women’s annual fundraiser is sure to delight. No need to leave the comfort of your home. It’s a ZOOM affair and you and your guests are invited! All proceeds will go for the support of the Kane County Democratic Women who are running for election. There are 15 of our members running!
- U.S. Congress
- IL State Senate
- IL State House of Representatives
- Kane County Board
- Kane County Board Chair
- Kane County Clerk
- Kane County Auditor
- Kane County Recorder of Deeds
- Kane County State’s Attorney
- Judge – 16 Judicial Circuit
Games & Prizes
Take part in a Scavenger Hunt; wear a silly/fun/creative hat. Prizes awarded to the winners. Plan to receive Pre-Party favor delivered to your doorstep day of event.
Reservations are being accepted NOW. Don’t wait...we want to see you at the party!
Admission Method of Payment: ACT BLUE or by Check
Per person admission is $1.00 for every year of your actual age OR $1.00 for every year of the age you would like to be!
Make checks payable to Kane County Democratic Women, P.O. Box 1193, St. Charles, IL 60174. Must receive by July 7, 2020. (Email addresses and list of guest names must be included.)
Bring your drink and/or snack. Click on the ZOOM link at 7:20 p.m.
**ZOOM link: (emailed prior to party and after payment.)
For questions, email kanectydemwomen@gmail.com (Subject Line: Fundraising/ Debbie Fisher.)
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